Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Minecraft PC Basics

If you are a person needing information about Minecraft I'm the person to help. If you're starting out, and don't know how to download Minecraft, go to and click the button buy now and follow the directions.


The basics to Minecraft PC is simple. The keys W,A,S,and D move your character around. You have to use the mouse to move your character's head and view point.The left mouse button breaks a block instantly if in creative mode. If in survival mode, you need to hold the left mouse button. The right mouse button will place down any block that you are holding. To select the block press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9. The space bar allows you to jump over blocks and gaps.The left Shift button allows you to crouch, or in other words not be able to fall off of a cliff.